Thursday, February 5, 2015

The Knowing

Every new year one Biblical scripture stands out among all others and it becomes my “theme” for the year. This year New Year's Eve came and went. The boys spent the night at a Church Progressive NYE party while I slept. The pastor delivered the New Year’s sermon and we started back to school. I realized about half way through January that I was without a “theme scripture” for the year. I began earnestly seeking God for that scripture that would command and direct my life for 2015!

I heard NOTHING...

Well, as we say, life happened, and I moved on without a covering of direction... or so I thought. Then, out of the blue, while daydreaming about boys learning algebra, mountains of laundry, and overwhelming financial concerns-the written words appeared to me in my mind,

That was it! 
My “theme” for 2015. Like a shot of caffeine, a sugar high, an endorphin rush, peace “like a river” washed over me and the cares and concerns of the moment vanished! They were replaced with a “knowing” that
BUT, I falter...
Will my kids get all that they need as homeschooled individuals?
What if my daughter is always this bossy?
Why do bad things happen to good people?
What if I can't make any extra income?
How are we going to pay for the car fixes this month?
Where did the time go? Where do I find the time?
These worries snatch away God's control in my life. They distract me and leave me chasing rabbits. I end up spending a lot of time “researching” better methods of saving money, raising kids and building teams rather than searching the WORD for direction, answers, and what I already know... that
He has a plan to prosper me as an individual. As a wife, mom, and teacher. As a business woman. As a minister of the Gospel. Let the idols, obsessions, fear, doubts, addictions, unforgiveness, and discontent vanish with the
that in my own strength,
I can NOT,
but by HIS POWER 
God CAN!