Monday, November 25, 2013

Deep Roots

A life lesson that will benefit my children!

It is hard to keep on topic. Sometimes homeschooling gets boring, like in the summer when nothing is really going on and LIFE takes the front seat. So, I will drift today into more worldly happenings.

So, I’ve been looking at my younger brothers photos of him and his latest squeeze. As I stare at this hip and gorgeous pair, I am getting this strange feeling that I am becoming the out-of-touch big sister... when did I become so conservative? (Don’t get me wrong, nothing wrong with conservative, but I used to have a little fun with my style!) Sitting here thinking about it, I realize that I must have let go when I started avoiding mall visits for quick runs to Walmart. I guess I never really liked shopping, so now that I really don’t have time, I just don’t do it. When I go to any store I head straight for the Children’s Clothes and/or Home & Garden departments.

Looking back, these things that defined me in my past like wearing the latest trends, listening to the best new music, or spending Friday nights with cool people made me feel like I belonged to something.... hmmmm, loose roots. As I have grown up, sought the LORD and built my own family, I suppose that I don’t need these things to feel connected anymore. I have grown deeper roots, connected to the ONE constant, the ONE who will NEVER change, NEVER expect more than I can give, NEVER leave. Though I had a lot of fun finding the perfect hand bag and best fitting jeans, I can honestly say that my sense of security, joy and hope are much more real to me now than any other time in my life.

After observing my beautiful brother, I have a renewed desire to be a little bit more concerned with style, but this no longer defines me and no longer links me to a loose sense of joy, hope or belonging!

2 Corinthians 3:17

Written earlier this year.

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